How To You Put Check Boxes Into Excel 2008 For Mac

How To You Put Check Boxes Into Excel 2008 For Mac 6,2/10 1137 votes

Notes: To enable the Developer tab, follow these instructions: • In Excel 2010 and subsequent versions, click File > Options > Customize Ribbon, select the Developer check box, and click OK. • In Excel 2007, click the Microsoft Office button > Excel Options > Popular > Show Developer tab in the Ribbon. • To add a check box, click the Developer tab, click Insert, and under Form Controls, click. To add an option button, click the Developer tab, click Insert, and under Form Controls, click.

• Click in the cell where you want to add the check box or option button control. Note: The size of the option button inside the control and its distance from its associated text cannot be adjusted.

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• To format a control, right-click the control, and then click Format Control. • In the Format Control dialog box, on the Control tab, you can modify any of the available options: • Checked: Displays an option button that is selected. • Unchecked: Displays an option button that is cleared. • In the Cell link box, enter a cell reference that contains the current state of the option button. The linked cell returns the number of the selected option button in the group of options. Use the same linked cell for all options in a group. The first option button returns a 1, the second option button returns a 2, and so on.

Put the cursor at the place you will insert a checkbox symbol, and click Kutools > Check box, and then specify one of checkbox symbols from the drop down list. See screenshot: For inserting checkbox symbols at many places, please repeat above processing as you need.

If you have two or more option groups on the same worksheet, use a different linked cell for each option group. Use the returned number in a formula to respond to the selected option.


For example, a personnel form, with a Job type group box, contains two option buttons labeled Full-time and Part-time linked to cell C1. After a user selects one of the two options, the following formula in cell D1 evaluates to 'Full-time' if the first option button is selected or 'Part-time' if the second option button is selected. =IF(C1=1,'Full-time','Part-time') If you have three or more options to evaluate in the same group of options, you can use the or functions in a similar manner. Deleting a control • Right-click the control, and press DELETE.