Red X For Images On Powerpoint For Mac

Red X For Images On Powerpoint For Mac 5,6/10 2699 votes

Pictures cannot be displayed and are shown as red X in Outlook. Issue: When you open an email message that contains images in Microsoft Office Outlook, the image areas are blocked. These areas di. Re: Red X appearing in PowerPoint files. Problem: Many of my images in PowerPoint files appear as a red X instead of the image showing. I can work a file for a while, close it, re-open it and it shows the Xs. Source of images are multiple but usually: Screenshots, png or jpg from my laptop or our server, from Internet.

Dear Group, I have a PC word 2000 file sent to me with a figure that shows up as a RedX. 10.7 I've tried everything (saving, printing, save as html, open with other programs etc) but I can only see the figure on a PC. I've saved the print file from the PC and I can open it and edit on the mac, but is there an easier way to prevent the Red X (i.e. Is there a way to save the PC file such that the figure comes through alright)? I'm using WordX 10.1.1 with the latest patches/service packs installed under OS10.2.3. Thanks, Ryan John McGhie [MVP - Word], 17:51 น. Ryan & Group, This is also a problem that I have experienced using my iMac with OS 10.2.3 and Microsoft Office X updated to 10.1.2.

When I try to open PC documents containing graphics the text opens fine but the graphics appear as a red X and can not be read. Double-clicking on the graphics and attempts to convert the document within Word X do not work. The problem is also seen in PowerPoint X. However, as I noted in a prior e-mail to the 'office' group I can open these documents in Appleworks 6.0 or my older versions of Office '98 running on the same iMac computer and the graphics are displayed without problem. If I save the document from one of these other word applications, I can usually open them using Word X and they will be visible.

I wonder whether there is a problem in a graphics converter file. Brad 'John McGhie [MVP - Word]' wrote in message news. John McGhie [MVP - Word], 15:38 น. Excel commands for mac. Hi Bradley: Yes, there are several problems in the graphic converter file. Particularly when dealing with graphics prepared in PowerPoint on the PC. The fact that you can open these documents in Appleworks indicates that they may not be in Word 8 format (Word 97 and above.) When the documents are saved from the PC, do you know what format they are being saved in? The Red X means one of three things: 'Picture not available', 'not enough memory to open the picture' or 'picture is in unreadable format'.

The memory issue does not apply in OS X. Picture not available can mean that it was not saved in the document (a linked picture) or that it was saved in the document but was also 'linked' to the original file on the PC (which is not available.) Most times, if you double-click the thing in OS X, it will convert and open. Please see if you can obtain exact details of how the item was created on the PC. Cheers This responds to on 26 Dec 2002 09:17:21 -0800, (Brad Dixon): Brad Dixon, 18:21 น. Hi John, Thank you for the response.

Red x for images on powerpoint for mac

Here are the details that I know. One of the PC graphics that I tried to open was apparently a 'Visio.Drawing.6' because the message that I get when I double click on the red X icon is 'Word cannot edit the Visio.Drawing.6.' Another graphic I could not open in Word X was sent to me embedded in a PC document and did not give any identifying information. Word X could not offer any means to convert the file. Both of these PC graphics files were able to be opened automatically by Word in Office '98 and then saved as a Mac word document.