Where Is My Profile Data On Mac For Chrome

Where Is My Profile Data On Mac For Chrome 9,1/10 6876 votes

Since chrome has come up with the multiple profiles you will not get it directly in C: Users AppData Local Google Chrome User Data Default Extensions but you have to first type chrome://version/ in a tab and then look out for Profile path inside that and after you reach to your profile path look for Extensions folder in it. Best text editor for mac.

I recently responded to a prompt from the Chrome browser (on Windows 7) without fully understanding the question. Lesson learned, the hard way. This carelessness wiped out my carefully curated bookmarks, which had never been backed up. The good news is that, at least on Windows 7, all may not be lost. Even without Google/Chrome backups, I was able to recover the bookmarks thanks to a suggestion I found on YouTube. Many online suggestions for on Windows involve files called 'Bookmarks' and 'Bookmarks.bak'. Swapping these files may help in some instances, but in my case, both files were the same size, had the same very recent timestamp and were very small.

No doubt, if the backup bookmark file had my bookmarks it would have been larger than the original file. [ Further reading: ] Things looked bleak until I ran across a video from February 2014 called ' by YouTube user GRkostas10611. The key idea in the video was not to deal with Chrome but to deal with Windows. Restore Points in Windows 7.

The user files backup is totally transparent. Personally, I had never paid any at all other than initially configuring System Restore on a new computer (shown below). Of course Windows doesn't know anything about Chrome bookmarks.

To recover bookmarks, the video suggested recovering the folder where they live. Over time,, but at least now (Chrome version 39.0.2171.95) Chrome stores bookmarks in the 'User Data' folder located under C: Users AppData Local Google Chrome [ ] The process is easy; navigate to the User Data folder in Windows Explorer, right click on it and get the properties. Go to the Previous Versions tab and, if you are lucky, there will be a list of available backups.

To restore a folder backup, highlight it and click the Restore button. If all goes well, you should see the message below that 'The folder has been successfully restored to the previous version'.

The video doesn't suggest making a backup of the folder before recovering it, but it would be the wise thing to do. It's also a good idea to shut down Chrome before recovering the User Data folder. In my case, the only available backup was six days old, your mileage, of course, will vary.

Without my bookmarks, the User Data folder was 172 megabytes. After the restore, it had ballooned up to 550 MB. Most of the space was in a folder called 'Default' which had not existed before the restore. [ Further reading: ] The backup that I restored was dated December 23rd, but after the restore, there were files in the User Data folder with a timestamp of the current day, the 29th. I can only assume that Windows restores the files it has, but does not delete files it has not backed up.