Quicken For Mac File Location

Quicken For Mac File Location 7,2/10 9740 votes

Quicken data files stored in a drive by going through Windows Explorer and navigating to the folder. Where is the paragraph dialog box in word for mac free. This is normally in the folder C:/Program Files/Quicken/Data. This is the default location set in Quicken where data files are saved. Quicken 2019 for Windows imports data from Quicken for Windows 2010 or newer, Microsoft Money 2008 and 2009 (for Deluxe and higher). Quicken 2019 for Mac imports data from Quicken for Windows 2010 or newer, Quicken for Mac 2015 or newer, Quicken for Mac 2007, Quicken Essentials for Mac, Banktivity.

I could have sworn the Quicken 2015 and Documents were swapped in the path from what I had. I suspect I got confused because I used Linux commands to find it because it wasn't obvious on my Mac how to open the root directory (which would have made it clear to me that 'User-->' meant /Users/jdoe). So I went down several rabbit holes that involved other Application Support, Library, and Document folders and got cross-eyed by the time I found it.

But I've now learned from another post that the path is given in the drop-down list of folders by right-clicking (or cmd-clicking) the title of the account in the title bar after opening QM2015 or 2017. Thank you to you and other SuperUsers on this site.

Sorry for the confusion. Newer versions of Quicken no longer perform automated backups. There are a few reasons behind this: 1) backing up data practically should no longer be handled at the individual program level.

The operating system (or user) should be finding means to back up things everything cohesively. In the MacOS case, Time Machine is a suitable replacement for frequent, automated full system backups. 2) Backups on the same drive are not all that wise. If the Drive fails, all your backups go with it, and 3) The backups in 2007 and older were more important because the program offered no level of 'undoing' an action should you make an 'oops' and your file was permanently changed. 4) The older database structure was more prone to corruption. Ideally, you should be backing up your drive locally to another one to protect everything.

Using File:Save a Backup is great when you wish to manually create a backup to store offsite. This doesn't apply just to Quicken data, but any important data that might reside on your computer. The backups stored in this location can be misleading; those are only created when a new version of Quicken comes out that uses a different database structure (not often). So don't expect regular backups to be there.Actually, by default, when you select 'Save a Backup' from the file menu, this is where Quicken stores the backup. I would change that default location to someplace like your iCloud drive or Dropbox so you know the backup is safe rather than on the same drive as your data file. Be sure to password protect your file too!

That's changed a bit with macOS Sierra. If you use the new documents in the cloud setting, your Documents and Desktop folders are automatically synced with iCloud (regularly used files are also kept locally available for speed, rarely accessed files are kept only on the cloud for storage space). This is mostly invisible to you, everything looks like it's right there in your documents folder or on your desktop, but if you try to access a file you've not touched in a long time, you'll find it takes a moment to actually download. There are a number of advantages to this, one of which is you can recover the file from iCloud documents folder if needed. If you worried about corruption, you can save your backup file to an external drive rather than iCloud or Dropbox. I only mentioned those as they're convenient.

In any event, if you're doing regular backups of your system (you are doing regular backups, right?) with something like Time Machine, the data file is getting backed up regularly anyway. Automatic Sync to iCloud, or any other Cloud service, has been found to repeatedly lead to causing Quicken to freeze or terribly slow down, or file permission issues and even corruption. This is not a supported set-up and is use a your own risk. Instead, you can perform a manual backup within QM2017. This feature apparently now compressed the backup data file (an undocumented feature). This is the best practice for a data file to be saved to any cloud service.