Excel 365 For Mac 2nd Y Axis
For a business owner, Microsoft Excel 2010 provides an excellent platform for storing numerical information about your business. The program also allows you to turn that information into eye-catching charts, making it easier to explain your information to partners and clients. When you create a chart, the X-Axis, also called the horizontal or category axis, establishes the categories that Excel uses to break up and display the data. Changing the range or scale of the horizontal axis lets you specify which categories appear on the chart and in which direction the flow of the categories moves. Place a check mark next to 'Categories in reverse order' to adjust progression of the categories. If your source data is stored in columns, the categories, taken from your data, are displayed from top to bottom.
If your source data is stored in rows, the categories are displayed from left to right. How to rotate text box in word for mac free. Selecting this option reverses this. If you want your actual chart to progress from left to right, click the radio button next to 'At maximum category' to force the vertical axis to the right side of the chart.
Create a chart with a secondary axis in Excel 2016 Oct 28, 2016 If you have two series of data that are on very different scales you can change your chart to have two sets of axes, one on the left hand side (a primary axis) and one on the right hand side (a secondary axis).