Docker For Mac Http Api

Docker For Mac Http Api 5,6/10 4874 votes

Please consider the following scenario: On my MacBook Pro I want to access a web application (SPA/PWA) and an API both running in Docker containers behind another nginx Docker container (reverse proxy managing SSL) from an iOS device. So I have: • 1 iOS device having IP • 1 MacBook Pro having IP • 1 Docker container running nginx having two server_name settings: and, both using self-signed SSL certificates. The challenge: the're no option in the local Router to point DNS entries to /etc/hosts has these entries: The easiest solution I've found is to use dnsmasq running in a Docker container. So what is dnsmasq?

The Docker for Mac application does not use docker-machine to provision VM. It creates and manages it directly. At installation time, Docker for Mac provisions an HyperKit VM based on Alpine Linux, running Docker Engine. It exposes the docker API on a socket in /var/tmp/docker.sock.

Dnsmasq is a lightweight, easy to configure, DNS forwarder and DHCP server. It is designed to provide DNS and optionally, DHCP, to a small network. It can serve the names of local machines which are not in the global DNS. The DHCP server integrates with the DNS server and allows machines with DHCP-allocated addresses to appear in the DNS with names configured either in each host or in a central configuration file. Dnsmasq supports static and dynamic DHCP leases and BOOTP/TFTP for network booting of diskless machines In order to start dnsmasq in Docker container, simply run this command: docker run --name dnsmasq -d -p 53: 53/udp -p 5380: 8080 -v /opt/dnsmasq.conf:/etc/dnsmasq.conf --log-opt 'max-size=100m' -e 'USER=foo' -e 'PASS=bar' jpillora/dnsmasq This will run dnsmasq mapping a configuration from /opt/dnsmasq.conf into the container. Make sure /opt/dnsmsq.conf at least contains this line: address=/dev/ This will route all traffic to *.dev to What is the best burning software for mac

Best 27 monitor for mac mini. But it’s not my top pick for everyday mainly because the 4K displays blew it away for overall screen real restate while offering crystal clear, nearly print quality text, something that is extremely important in my decision for an everyday work display while multitasking. It’s essentially like having two 20.5-inch, 5:4, 1720×1440 displays side by side in one 34-inch panel, and LG also has a Screen Split app that works well for easily docking windows side-by-side in various configurations to get the most out of the wide screen while multitasking. It’s great for pro apps that take full advantage of the wider format for timelines and other features, although it feels a bit vertically challenged in comparison to 4K monitors on the list if a horizontal workflow isn’t your thing. Content made for the 21:9 widescreen format won’t look better anywhere else, and any content such as games that do not support the widescreen will get black bars along the side of the display essentially giving you a 16:9 display square in the middle. The 34” 21:9 Ultrawide WQHD display I reviewed, and LG has since released a curved version of this display— The 34” 21:9 UltraWide Curved Monitor— that has a slightly different stand. Having this is as a second monitor for working in pro apps that can benefit from the widescreen is a no-brainer, and it’s by far the nicest looking display on the list from a purely aesthetic standpoint.

Dnsmasq will also inspect your local /etc/hosts file and route traffic appropriately. It also provides a simple UI where you can verify your hosts file got hooked up correctly: Just browse to and enter the credentials foo and bar from the docker run command above. The UI output should look like this: [webproc] 2017/04/23 18:35:54 loaded config files changes from disk [webproc] 2017/04/23 18:35:54 agent listening on dnsmasq: started, version 2.76 cachesize 150 dnsmasq: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset auth no-DNSSEC loop-detect inotify dnsmasq: reading /etc/resolv.conf dnsmasq: using nameserver dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 7 addresses The next step is to update the DNS settings on the iOS and macOS devices. The iOS device has to point to the IP address of the macOS device: The macOS device has to point to itself: Click 'Advanced.' , then select 'DNS': The last step is to call the and URIs on the iOS device and confirm the SSL warnings.