Which Maven To Install For Mac

Which Maven To Install For Mac 7,7/10 9926 votes

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Step2 – Move the archive to destination folder (OPTIONAL) I want to install maven on /usr/local sudo mv apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz /usr/local this command will move the file to /usr/local Step3 – Extract To extract run the command: sudo tar -xvf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz The command will extract to the current folder. Step4 – Delete the archive (OPTIONAL) run the following command: sudo rm apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz Step5 – Path Config To have access to maven from any directory need to configure M2_HOME and added the bin directory to path For this add the following lines to the ~/.bash_profile file using vim editor: export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven-3.3.9 export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin In order to have the effect, you need to restart the terminal. Step6 – Test To check run the version command. Mvn -version Output Apache Maven 3.3.9 (bb52d8502b132ec0a5a3f4c8323dc5; 2015-11-10T16:41:47+00:00) Maven home: /usr/local/apache-maven-3.3.9 Java version: 1.8.0_112, vendor: Oracle Corporation Java home: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_112.jdk/Contents/Home/jre Default locale: en_GB, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: 'mac os x', version: '10.12.1', arch: 'x86_64', family: 'mac'.

Maven makes Java programming easier! It's referred to as a build tool, but it's so much more. Use Maven to manage the entire lifecycle of your project, generate reports, and store documents with its POM repository.

Maven is a popular tool for building software applications according to a standard layout. We will learn more about Maven and how it works later. For now, let’s get Maven installed on Mac OS X and up and running. Mac OS X comes pre-installed with a Maven installation so in most cases you won’t need to install Maven yourself.

And it's not just for Java; C/C++, PHP, and Scala programmers can use Maven, too. This course introduces Maven for build automation in Java, and reviews the other features and functions to consider adding to your development workflow. Staff author Peggy Fisher shows how to install Maven on Mac or Windows, work with the Project Object Model (POM), and use its extensive library of plugins for compiling, testing, deploying, packaging, reporting, and more. Plus, learn how to create a complete start-to-finish project using Maven and two different Java IDEs: NetBeans and IntelliJ. Instructor •.

Peggy Fisher is a programmer and full-time staff author at Lynda.com. She is also a strong supporter of women in STEM. Peggy Fisher is a full-time staff author at Lynda.com in the Developer segment. Her main focus is Application Programming in Java, Arduino, and C++.

She has also worked on courses in COBOL and Discrete Mathematics. Previously she was a faculty member at Penn State University's College of Information Sciences and Technology.

She started out as a programmer working for a large insurance company, but after 18 years she left her job as a director of information technology to pursue her true passion teaching. She earned a master's degree in math education, and went on to teach high school math and computer science in Pennsylvania. In 2012, Peggy accepted a position as an instructional designer at Penn State, and shortly thereafter began teaching Intro to Application Programming with Java. As one of the few female programming teachers, she serves as a mentor to incoming female freshmen who are considering a career in programming. She was also the K–12 outreach coordinator for the college, where she scheduled, ran, and taught summer camps for middle school and high school students.

In a PBS NewsHour interview, she expressed that all students should take at least one programming class either in high school or college. Peggy enjoys constantly learning and finding new and exciting ways to bring technology to life in and outside of the classroom, such as using Arduino microcontrollers or Lego Mindstorms, to help make learning hands-on and fun. By: David Gassner course • 6h 4m 35s • 85,528 viewers • Course Transcript - [Instructor] To run Maven using a Mac Operating System, again, make sure that you already have your JDK downloaded and installed. Once we have the Apache Maven downloaded, in this case, we're downloading 3.3.9, we can go to the Install instructions. Under Install, it talks about Apache Maven, in general, you'll want to ensure that you have a variable define that says Java_Home and it points to your JDK installation. You want to make sure you've unzipped your Apache Maven 3.3.9/bin file, and if I scroll down, you can see, we can test that using MVN-V. There are some Unix-based operating system which includes Linux, Solaris, and Mac OSX tips.