Powerpoint For Mac - No Sound

Powerpoint For Mac - No Sound 7,8/10 417 votes

Hi Hebri, Check this link and let us know if it explains the problem and its solution: Thanks. -Jim Gordon Mac MVP Quoting from 'Henri Arsenault', in article arseno-7B2E7042007@news.isp.giganews.com, on [DATE: > I get Powerpoint presentations with music in emails. They play fine on > the PC, but on all 3 of my Macs, there are no sounds. The sound file > seems to be in there, but I can't get it to play. > > I have Quicktime pro, Windows media player and various other programs on > the Mac. > > Henri -- Jim Gordon Mac MVP MVPs are not Microsoft Employees MVP info http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/.

In article, aRKay wrote: > In article, > Jim Gordon MVP wrote: > > > Hi Hebri, > > > > Check this link and let us know if it explains the problem and its solution: > > > > > I have the same problem (Mac PowerPoint 11.3.2) is deaf to sounds that > work under Windows. I tried the link mention and did not see a > solution. Please clarify. The link on that site to Mac-specific problems on a Microsoft site does not work (any more). The site you give gives solutions to putting sounds in files, but my problem is listening on a mac to pps presentations made by someone else on a PC, and that function well on a PC, but on a Mac there is no sound (Office 2004).

The music or sound does not play when I email my PowerPoint 2007 presentation. Why is this happening? You need to trick PowerPoint 2007 into thinking that the MP3 music or sound file that you will insert into your presentation is actually a WAV file. PowerPoint 2011 for Mac enables you to work with various types of sound files such as MP3, WMA, or WAV. However, inserted sounds are always embedded within your presentation, which is different from the default behavior in previous versions of PowerPoint which always linked sound files rather.

I'm not sure whether I will solve you problem but lem try: What format are the sound track? Are the track emebed into presentation? If you go to PP preferences to general tab you have ability to set limit after which the file will be linked. Linked means you have to get the sound track on the top to your presentation copied to you HDD or another media. It's not stored in the PPT presentation. Download So to count this out as a reason my question is does this PPT presentaion has its sound on any other PC than it was created? If no then this is your problem and you need to increase on that maschine where the presentation was created or works the value in Preference>general> limit after which the file will be linked to some really big number and then re-inster the sounds.

Powerpoint video no sound

If I get any other idea I will post it meanwhile you can try these. On 18.4.2007 13:42, in article arseno-DF57B7.2007@news.isp.giganews.com, 'Henri Arsenault' wrote: > In article >, > aRKay wrote: > >> In article, >> Jim Gordon MVP wrote: >> >>> Hi Hebri, >>> >>> Check this link and let us know if it explains the problem and its solution: >>> >>> > >> I have the same problem (Mac PowerPoint 11.3.2) is deaf to sounds that >> work under Windows. I tried the link mention and did not see a >> solution. Please clarify. > > The link on that site to Mac-specific problems on a Microsoft site does > not work (any more). > > The site you give gives solutions to putting sounds in files, but my > problem is listening on a mac to pps presentations made by someone else > on a PC, and that function well on a PC, but on a Mac there is no sound > (Office 2004). In article, Jim Gordon MVP wrote: > Hi Hebri, > > Check this link and let us know if it explains the problem and its solution: > > > Thanks.

> > -Jim Gordon > Mac MVP I have the same problem (Mac PowerPoint 11.3.2) is deaf to sounds that work under Windows. I tried the link mention and did not see a solution. Please clarify. Is there a solution to the Mac version of PowerPoint being deaf to sounds that were created on the PC version? They seem to work great on the PC and do nothing on the Mac version. Hi again, Sounds.

Yes, they can be a problem for PC users. Really, if you want to make a cross-platform presentation do it on a Mac, not a PC. Then you can use File > Save As > PowerPoint Package. Distribute the package and it's generally trouble-free with regard to sounds. First off, the fact the sounds don't play is probably not your fault or your Mac's fault. I suppose you could blame the PC version of PowerPoint for not having Save As PowerPoint package as the root of this problem. PC users have to take lots of extra steps with sounds because they don't have the Mac Save As PowerPoint package feature.