How Is Visual Studio For Mac 2017 Different Than Xamarin Studio

How Is Visual Studio For Mac 2017 Different Than Xamarin Studio 8,6/10 3584 votes

Installation The installation is brand new and pretty awesome. You now pick “workloads” of development that you want to install and it will take care of the rest. It is highly configurable, but the default for me of installing tons of stuff was super fast and installed in under 30 minutes! If you just do the core VS 2017 install it will be installed in under 5 minutes! That is crazy. For Xamarin development there is literally a Xamarin checkbox under mobile, it is the first choice and really the only choice you need: Some other work loads I recommend are pointed out including: • UWP •.NET Development • ASP.NET • Azure • Data • and hidden at the bottom.NET Core Additional Configuration for iOS Since the Xamarin documentation is amazing on this go read it.

In general terms Visual Studio for Mac is an integrated Macintosh development environment for C# and F# applications that run on iOS, Android, and Mac targets, with a variety of application forms. Click the button to download the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 for Mac. For instructions on setup and install, see the Setup and Install Visual Studio for Mac documentation. To learn more about Visual Studio 2017 for Mac, see Mac System Requirements and Mac Platform Targeting and Compatibility. Excel download for mac free citrix receiver.

Additional Configuration for Android There are a few tweaks here that I must make to be happy for Android development. While the installer is nearly perfect, here is my recommendation. 1.) Install the latest x64 (currently 8u121) Installing the x64 version on Windows is extremely important because it is needed for custom controls in the Android designer and also for the Xamarin.Forms Previewer to work.

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If you don’t have a x64 machine know that these are a few of the restrictions that may not work on your machine. You will then need to set the path in the tools-options menu: 2.) Update Android SDKs & Emulators This is just good to know in general because you will need to update things every once in a while, but from Tools -> Android, you are able to get to the Android SDK and Emulators, let’s start with SDK Manager.

The installer sets us up for success with SDK 23 and the build tools needed, but I like to install the latest and greatest for API 24 and optionally you can pick SDK Platform 25: The first 3 are really important and you will want to grab those to compile with the latest and greatest. Android Emulators This actually gets its own section because it is a bit complicated. We now install the default Google Emulators, both Arm and x86. The latter, x86 are extremely fast, but require you to turn off Hyper-V and ensure that you have the (Intel HAXM) installed. So first, go turn off Hyper-V and then install Haxm and you will be nice and happy. I then recommend going to the Android Emulator Manager and creating a new emulator with my preferred options. I hear you yelling right now, JAMES I NEED MY HYPER-V!!!!!!

Alright fine, then don’t install HAXM and install the Hyper-V Now there are some things to know with these. First, they are pretty nice and fast emulators. Second, you aren’t going to get the latest and greatest as they haven’t been updated in a while. Third, if you are running a Skylake or newer processor you need to turn on or your app will fail to debug. Lastly, there are no google play services or maps on them unless you hack around it. Creating your first app! Let’s create a new app with File -> new project, which will reveal all the Xamarin templates for mobile development: If you are creating a solo iOS/Android/tvOS app with high fidelity UIs for each platform then head to those sections, if you want a cross platform solution or a Xamarin.Forms solution and project then head to Cross-Platform to discover the new Cross Platform App Template.